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You are here: CSO Image & Data Library

Here is where all data from my site, stylesheet images, cursors, pictures, etc. is linkable.

You can use these as you wish, but please link up to this site as a source, do not upload them anywhere else please.

I do not have link-back links in the image URL's, unlike Photobucket; however, since I would like people to take advantage of these resources too, please insert either url somewhere on your page, if you wish.
Images by ChaseSpaceOnline.com
Cool graphics, images, and cursors

Funny Images:
Access these from the Cartoons Page

Stylesheet Images

Image Name Preview Link






I wish you could try out these cursors here by hovering fields, but due to compatibility issues, you will see a preview image here instead.

All of the cursors featured on this site will not have the corny arrow-in-the-corner format, instead, they will have a hotspot at a point where it seems most suitable.

If you want to use these cursors on your computer, right click the download link, and hit "Save Target As".

Cursor Name Test Area CSS Style Link URL Hotspot Download Link
Middle Finger Hand Middle Finger Hand Cursor On the tip of the middle finger [Download]
Football Football Cursor The bottom corner of the ball [Download]


Regular Gun Gun Cursor The tip of the red target dot [Download]
High Visibility Gun The tip of the red target dot [Download]

Hammer Cursors
Hammer Up Hammer Up The center of the shadow [Download]
Hammer Down Hammer Down The point of impact [Download]
Hammer Spark Hammer Spark The bottom point of the spark [Download]


Target Cursors
Large Line Target Large Line Target Cursor At the center [Download]
Small Line Target Small Line Target Cursor At the center


Rainbow Arrow Rainbow Arrow Cursor Point [Download]
Upside Down Empty Rainbow Arrow Cursor Point [Download]
Upside Down Rainbow Arrow Cursor Point [Download]